Sunday, April 11, 2021

My Appendix N: The Wizards

The 1977 animation The Wizards has some of the best visuals I have seen that really embrace a great sword and sorcery type aesthetic.  While the point of the movie is a little heavy handed, it is still a very underrated movie.  As far as inspiration for an RPG goes, it is basically gold, especially if you want to run a post apocalyptic campaign.  This movie is definitely 

This movie is a great inspiration for my Eberron world.  The way war is presented in the movie is a great way to look at how technology, magic, and the past interact.  The character Necron 99 is an actual NPC/villian warforged in a campaign I am running right now.  I will admit that I have difficulty breaking outside of clichés when coming up with a plot or a session, which I think everyone who runs games does.  This is of course why Appendix N is important, but more importantly, is that drawing and combining on the familiar helps to keep your game feeling immersive and not as boring.  

Personally, playing over Zoom the last year has really had me thinking about how important influences are for my games, because games over Zoom are boring.  At first, there wasn't as much of an issue when it felt new early in the pandemic, but a year later, myself and some players are really starting to feel the lag.  The best way to combat that, is to make games interesting, and the easiest and best way (in my opinion) to do that is to draw inspiration (i.e. rip off) ideas from where ever you can.  I touched on this early in this blog, but I want to revisit it again after rewatching this film this past Friday.

If you haven't seen this movie, I encourage you to.  It definitely has a Dungeon Crawl Classics Wizard Van vibe to it, and since it came out in the era of early D&D, I feel like this movie has a solid place in required viewing for any GM or fan of the genre and hobby.  

Finally, this movie has a weird as hell vibe to it, and I think weird is always a good thing in RPGs.  Even if you don't use it often, totally gonzo feeling elements have their place in almost any campaign.    

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 I have been busy as shit with work, running two games, and playing in a game.  Oh, I have also been working on some content.  Last post I m...