Friday, April 16, 2021

New logo! Upcoming projects!


I have been thinking about different options for a logo for things I will be publishing in the future, and I settled on this.  I am pretty happy with how it turned out, and I feel like it captures the vibe I am going for.  Saying that, I am working on some material now, which is a system agnostic d6 table for dungeon crawling RPGs.  Since this will be my first actual release, I think that I want to take my time and possibly launch it during next year's Zine Quest on Kickstarter.  In the meantime, I am slowly working on some adventures that will most likely be coming to DM's Guild.  Thanks for the support so far, I have grown this significantly more than I expected since I launched it in January.  

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 I have been busy as shit with work, running two games, and playing in a game.  Oh, I have also been working on some content.  Last post I m...